Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS)

What is ARMHS?

Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) is a strengths-based, person-centered, recovery-focused program with the purpose of helping individuals with mental illness overcome impairments caused by their symptoms in order to function independently in their homes or places of residence. ARMHS can provide individuals with support in the following areas:

  • Basic Living and Social Skills

  • Certified Peer Specialist Services

  • Community Intervention

  • Functional Assessment

  • Level of Care Assessment

  • Individual Treatment Plan

  • Medication Education

  • Transition to Community Living Services

Client Rehabilitation Flow

Below are the steps taken to ensure optimal recovery and results.

Diagnostic Assessment

Diagnostic assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of a persons mental & physical health needs done by a board certified clinical supervisor.

Functional assessment

An ARMHS functional assessment is a comprehensive evaluation used to determine how a person's mental health symptoms impact their daily functioning in various areas of life

Individual treatment plan

An (ARMHS) Individual Treatment Plan (ITP) is a written document that outlines a person's treatment goals, strategies, and timeline. It's based on a diagnostic assessment and functional evaluation. The ITP is a collaborative effort between the client and their family or caregivers. 

Progress notes

An ARMHS progress note is a document that records the mental health services provided to a client by Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS). Progress notes are used to document the client's response to treatment and the plan for future sessions.